3 steps for less fighting and yelling at home

I believe it's our job as parents to teach our kids about their emotions.  I think society is getting better with it being more talked about.

Here are three steps you can use to start talking more about feelings in your home and as a result have less yelling, fighting, and arguing.

This can be so simple when kids are young you can use phrases like,
"I notice you seem mad."
"I hear loud voices in here."
"You have some big feelings."
"It's ok to cry."
"You seem concerned."

Just acknowledging the feeling is the first step.  That's easy to do with our kids.  

The 2nd step is to ask your child if they were/are feeling more 
worried or concerned
embarrassed or shy.

When we give them options we help them to put a name to what they are feeling.  Often they don't know what they are feeling so we offer suggestions and let them decide.

Step 3 get some sort of feelings chart you can hang somewhere.

I'm always surprised when I ask my kids what they are feeling because it's not what I think they are feeling and guess what:


Start with these few things and see what happens.  

I know you'll like the results.

If you're like, "Megan I have boys they won't talk about it or they role their eyes or don't say anything."  I get it.  I have four boys.  
Join me next Wednesday, Sept. 25 at 10 AM MT for a parenting class about emotions: Feel don't yell.  How you can teach your kids to feel more than yell or fight.  What to do when they don't want to talk about it or brush you off.  
It's $20 on Zoom and a recording will be available.  If you can't make it live you can submit questions ahead of time.  REGISTER HERE
Have a great day,


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