Use MGI for better relationships!

If you want to feel better and fight less with your teen use MGI (most generous interpretation).  I learned this phrase from Dr. Becky Kennedy.  

When my son was ornery the other night and a little snippy with everyone.  I thought he's probably tired.  I mentioned it to him and he said yes.  I said, "I know you're tired, you'll feel better in the morning."

When my son was getting ready for school and came out and said loudly, "you won't help me."  I noticed he was frustrated and asked why?  He was trying to unstick a bandaid that had stuck together.  I said, "I'll just get you a new one, let's get ready for school."

When my son said, "we always have the worst dinners."  I thought he doesn't like this one meal and he's hungry.  I said, "I bet you're hungry if you don't want this you can make yourself some toast."

I believe that most people are doing the best they can, that most people have good intentions, and that most people don't know how to deal with their emotions. 

You can be the SAFE PLACE for your child to express their emotions.  

Don't match their energy.  Don't mirror them and fight back.  Don't take the bait.  Don't get sarcastic.

Here is what I'll offer to you to test out to start to have MGI be more of the default.

Start by looking back on a situation when you didn't handle it how you would have liked.  Then ask yourself these questions.

1.  What could be going on for him/her?

2.  What am I missing?

3.  I want people to have the most generous interpretation of me too.  So I will practice first.

Doing this will help you have better relationships and stay more calm.

Being a parent is hard, but it can be more fun than we allow.  

Our kids are just doing their best (and sometimes that's not great).

Offer: love, support, compassion, and a judgement free space for them to learn, grow and thrive.

You've got this!!

Happy Halloween,

If you'd like more help from me click >>HERE<<.  


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