3 shifts you can make when you think your teen is being disrespectful.

3 shifts you can make when you think your teen is being disrespectful.

1. Allow their opinion - So often we judge or label their opinion as being disrespectful.  I think if we (the parents) can calm down and just let them speak, and think that this is just their opinion we will be free of so many minor arguments.  It's ok if they want a new phone, new shoes, or don't want to invite friends over because they don't like your house.  It's just their opinion!  We have opinions too.

2. What if they aren’t complaining, just venting? - Sometimes everything we hear out of our teens mouth is complaining.  What if it's not?  What if they are just venting or just voicing their opinion.  Sometimes I will say to my kids, "my ears are hearing complaining."  My son will say, "I'm not complaining, I'm just telling you."  Often we want the complaining to stop and interrupt our kids and don't respect them because of what we hear.  If we think they are just venting we will be so much better at listening.

3. REALLY listen. - Listen to what they have to say.  Listen to listen, not to fix.  Listen to understand.  Listen because you respect them.  We will be able to have more meaningful and deeper conversations with our teens if we will be willing to listen.  

I think more often than not our teens aren't being disrespectful we just interpret it as that way.  Learn to interpret what they say differently and improve your relationship with your teen.  

Do you want a better relationship with your teen?  I want that for you too.  Sign up HERE for a free relationship audit to start creating a more fulfilling relationship with your teen.  




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