How to stop yelling at your kids

Every interaction you have with your child is an opportunity for you to evaluate yourself.

Every eye role.

Every snarky comment.

Every tantrum.

Every time they "talk back".

Every time they ask and we say no, and they don't like it.  

Evaluate why this is hard for you to hear.  

We have the opportunity to respond instead of react.

Respond with:  patience, kindness, silence, or love.

When we react we usually get snappy, sarcastic, yell, raise our voices, or do the very same thing our kids do.  

How do we respond calmly? 

1.  AWARENESS - Be aware of what you are thinking.  It's hard to do in the moment so reflect on incidences when you didn't respond how you would like.

2. WRITE - down everything you were thinking before you responded the way you did.  Some of my thoughts that cause me to not show up not how I want are: this is so annoying, are you seriously crying about this, seriously, this is so dumb etc.  PAY ATTENTION to what you are thinking.

3. BREATH - take three DEEP breathes.  This will help you create a pause and calm your nervous system down just enough to not be reactive.

4. DECIDE - how you would like to respond when your child is having a tantrum, your kids are fighting, or your teen is talking back.  Thinking through how you'd like to respond helps your chances go WAY up that you will actually show up that way.

If you'd like more help with this I am teaching a class How to stop yelling at your kids. 

Wednesday, October 25 @1:30 MT.  
Over Zoom
Replay available
I will teach you the things I use daily to help me to stay calm when I want to yell.

Take care,

PS if you'd like more 1:1 help I have three spots open.  DM me on IG and I will tell you more details.


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