Why is this a problem?

I recently got coached and said I was feeling judgmental and negative about my kid's bad behavior.  The coach asked me, "why is this a problem?"  She continued do you want to feel good about their behavior in these situations?  No, I don't.  

I had this aha where I thought IT'S OK FOR YOU TO FEEL MAD ABOUT THEM YELLING AT YOU AND CALLING YOU NAMES.  NOW HOW DO I WANT TO RESPOND?  Maybe you are better at this than I am?  
Answering the question how do I want to respond when my kids are fighting, yelling or being mean to me?   

I was recently coaching someone that was asking about her babies sleep schedule.  The baby was sleeping through the night, but waking around 5 am then eating and sleeping until 9 am.  I asked, "why is this a problem?"  She replied I guess it's not.

Asking yourself, "why is this a problem?" will help you gain some insight.  You may even answer that it's not a problem.  If it is a problem dig deeper and ask yourself WHY?

Asking yourself, "how do I want to respond when..." will actually help you to respond that way when things do happen?

We are all humans and humans mess up.  Give yourself some love, grace, and respect and offer that to your kids too.

Have you ever felt stuck and not know how to change the frustration cycle you are in.  Do you have a great life, but don't feel like as much as you'd like?  I can help.  I was in the same boat several years ago.  I found coaching and then everything changed.  Coaching has the actionable tools to use and apply to change whatever you want to change. 

If you want help with: kids, teens, boredom, frustration, relationships, your marriage, business, being too reactive, yelling I can help you.

I have three 1:1 coaching spots open.  Click HERE  to set up a time to learn how we do this.  If these times don't work for you send me a DM on IG and we will find a time that works.


PS if you have questions feel free to comment below or send me a DM on IG HERE


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