Why you should work on your relationship with your teen.

There are so many reasons having a great relationship with your teen is SO important.  

A study in Science Daily said that, "A high-quality relationship was one where teenagers felt they could discuss their problems with their parents and that their parents respected their feelings". You can find the full article here.  The article also said having a good relationship decreases teen's substance abuse.

I don't think you have to know all the science to know it's a good to work on your relationships.  Here are a few of my own findings for why having a great relationship is SO important.

1.  It's easier to talk to your teen.  Connection first will keep open communication, it's easier to talk about little and big things.

2.  It's more fun and enjoyable to be a parent.

3.  I feel more confident in myself and know that I'm doing my best, and that regardless of what my teens do or don't do is up to them.  This doesn't mean I let them do whatever they want, it means I am being who I want to be.  

4.  I feel more confident in them, and who they are, and who they are becoming.

5.  I don't fight with my teen.

Making time to work on relationships will always produce great fruits.  Do you want a better relationship with your teen?  I want that for you too.  I have created a new program, and because it's new it's inexpensive.  If you'd like more information and would like to sign up click HERE

Your teen is only in your home a few more years.  MAKE the limited time you have together purposeful.  You won't regret making time to have better relationships.  

Take care,



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