How to improve your relationship with YOU!

"Speak to your children as if they are the wisest, kindest, most beautiful and magical humans on the earth for what they believe is what they will become." - Brooke Hampton.

Have you ever thought about this for you too?  How do you speak to yourself?  

Last night my son drew a picture of a snowboarder.  I looked at it later and asked if he drew it and said, "I'm impressed this is great."  He said, "it kind of sucks."  I said hey that's not ok to talk to yourself like that.  If you don't like it that's ok, but what else could you think?  That you tried?  Next time you could do better?  It's important to pay attention to how you talk to yourself.

I'm sure that won't change anything from that one time I told him that, but I'm hoping over time he will start to talk to himself more positively.  

How we talk to ourselves MATTERS!  What is your inner dialogue? 
What do you say to yourself when you look in the mirror?
What do you say to yourself when you yell at your kids?
What do you say to yourself when you sleep in?
What do you say to yourself when you judge your neighbor?
What do you say to yourself when you are scrolling IG?

If you aren't aware start paying attention.  The best tool I have for you for this is AWARENESS.  One easy way to gain some awareness is by writing.  Get out a piece of paper and write what was I thinking when...
If you have a specific even that happened that you are feeling bad about write about that.  

Then start building your relationship with yourself.  I like to do this by:
✅ Looking myself in the mirror and in my head thank myself for something.
✅ Writing I am statements.  I am fun, I laugh easily.  I am hard working.  I am an amazing wife and mom. I have enough time, etc.
✅ Meditating.  I set a timer for 4 min. then find some meditation music on youtube and focus on breathing and saying on the exhale, "I love and accept you Megan."  Sounds a little woo woo, but it helps.
✅ Exercising

When we feel better about ourselves it's easier to feel better about others too.  It's so much easier to have compassion for others when you have compassion for you.  

RELATIONSHIPS IMPROVE when you improve your relationship with you.

You matter!



PS if you want a different relationship with yourself and/or your teen I can help.  Schedule a free relationship audit call HERE.  

You are probably asking yourself what is this relationship audit?  You and I get on the phone and I ask you some questions about what your current relationship is like and what you'd like it to be.  I will share with you tools that will help you start to create what you want.  You will leave with a plan on how to change the relationship that you most want to be different.  A plan to move forward with confidence and hope.  If you like what you hear I will share with you how we can work together further.  

#relationships #positiveparenting #proactiveparenting #raisingteens #positiveparentinghelp #positiveparentingtools #positiveparentingsolutions #familyrelationships #parentinghelp #parentinghacks #yourrelationships


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