One thing I do for better relationships

So much of our relationships are our thoughts about the other person.  If you are having a hard time with anyone START with your thoughts.  What do you think about that person.  This isn't for you to feel bad about yourself for how you are thinking.  


One thing I do almost every day is take a few minutes at the end of the day and write one thing about each of my kids.

I have a lined sheet of paper for each child with their name at the top.  I spent a few moments and think about them.  I write something nice they did, something I noticed, something funny they said or did.  

Our brains are SO good at looking for evidence to support what we are thinking so this helps me to look for the good in them and make a mental note of it.  I FEEL so much better about them which improves our relationship.  

No one is perfect so I still get plenty of frustration and annoyance, but I know how to help feel less of the negative emotions.

If you want to feel less frustrated and more in control with your kids, I can help you.

I offer free consult calls where I will teach you the one thing that will significantly improve your relationships, and let you know how you can get more help from me.  You can sign up HERE for free.

Take care,

PS With the holidays coming you might have to see the difficult people in your life and you aren't feeling great about it.  My ebook is the answer for that.  How to fix a struggling relationship you can get it HERE.  


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