Parenting doesn't have to be SO hard

I know I make parenting harder than it needs to be.  I also know how to make it not so hard.  One of the reasons it feels so hard is because we want to control SO much.  Letting go of control is one skill that will shift everything in your life and make you life feel easier and you will feel more free.

When I practice these few things parenting FEELS so much easier.  

I am able to enjoy my kids more, I am able to be in the moment, I am way less reactive, and so much more.
It just makes life more enjoyable.  

Less tears, frustration, anger, annoyance, and confusion.

In my program Embracing Calm - a better relationship with your teens I teach these six pillars in more detail and coach you.  Coaching is where the magic happens.  

They are:

-To be proactive not reactive.
-Communicate effectively so the likelihood of them listening goes up.
-What's in your control so you can control that.
-Look for the good so you can start to see more and have a better relationship.
-How to make your interactions more meaningful.
-How to unconditionally love especially when it's hard.  

Are you ready to start enjoying your teen more? They won't be in your home too much longer and it's time to start creating the relationship you want.

Create the home that feels: loving, safe, fun, and relaxed.

If you could do one thing right now to improve your relationship with your teen I would offer to notice where you are the most controlling. Ask yourself why? Most often it's because we have some fear of something.

Thanks for being here. You are an incredible mom.


If you want more information on my Embracing Calm course click HERE


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