Untangling Anxiety

A few weeks ago I was on The Untangling Anxiety podcast with Betsy Russell.  I love Besty.  She and I met a few years ago when I was Momentum Coaching in Alison J. Prince's Next Level program.  

Betsy started out selling jewelry and has since evolved her business into helping people/families with anxiety.  I love what Betsy is doing.  

In the episode (click here) I share a few things you can do to help have a better relationship with your teen (or anyone you want a better relationship with).

1. Awareness- of what you are thinking about the other person.  One way I love to gain awareness is by writing.  Get out a piece of paper and set a timer for 5 min. and write all about what you think about them.  Don't edit or judge it.  You can throw it away.  When I do this sometimes it's not very nice, but it's so powerful.  

2. Question- if you want to keep the thoughts you are having. 

Our thoughts cause our feelings so if you feel "negative" about any relationship take a look at your thoughts.  

The next step is to find new believable thoughts.  If you have a hard time with this that's where I come in with coaching, to help.  Coaching is the how.  

One phrase I LOVE that will help with any relationship is:

The purpose of the task is to strengthen the relationship.  

If you want more information on the course I mentioned in the podcast click here to get more details.

If you have additional questions send me a DM.

Take care,



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