
Showing posts from December, 2023

Connection the first C in not fighting with your kids.

Hi, Connection with your child is SO important for a: better relationship, not fighting, and so much more. In the dictionary it says connection is a relationship in which a person, thing, or idea is linked or associated with something else. Our relationships are our thoughts about the other person or thing.   STOP🛑 I want to offer that you get out a piece of paper and write down how your relationship is with each of your kids. What are your thoughts about your relationship?  Now write down what you would like to be different. If you want the relationship to be better or different then I want to offer some things you can start paying attention to that will make your relationship better. Your approach it can create connection or contention.  What’s the first thing you say to your child when they get home from school or from playing at a friend's house.  What do you say to them when they are cranky and need a nap?  Are you creating connection or contentio...

How to have the best Christmas🎄

How to have the best Christmas! If everyone understood the concept of the manual that would solve SO many relationship problems. With Christmas approaching I want to offer that you detach yourself from how your child or spouse responds to what you give.  If you give your child the toy they've been wanting and they open it and don't give it much attention that is NO reason for you to be upset.  If you give them a family vacation as part of Christmas and they are disappointed about where you are going, LET THEM BE DISAPPOINTED.  You don't need to be disappointed that they are. ❌It doesn't mean they aren't grateful.   ❌It doesn't mean they are a spoiled brat. ❌It means NOTHING. So what I want to offer is a few questions and things to ponder that will help you to have the best Christmas Day. Why are you giving the gifts? How do I want to feel on Christmas?  Love, content, peace, happiness, relaxed?? Notice the small things: -the time spent together as a family ...

Never fight with your kids again.

It's possible to never fight with your kids again. Recently I had an experience one of my sons was really mad at me about something.  He slammed the car door.  He told me, "it's all your fault."  He went on and on about it.   It was something we had talked about prior and had made a decision about.  I tried to explain that we had talked about it...  He said several times, "just stop talking."  The old me would have been reactive and said something like don't talk to me like that.  You need to be respectful blah, blah, blah.  NOT HELPFUL. I said nothing and stayed calm.  The 1️⃣FIRST thing we as parents need to do to never fight again is to control our emotions so we don't react.  When we react it looks like: yelling, lecturing, slamming doors, throwing things, punishing etc.  again NOT HELPFUL. There are several ways to learn to control your emotions.  For me it wasn't until I learned coaching tools, meditating, breat...

Resistance keeps you stuck

We all struggle.  There is no getting away from that. I have found that it's "easier" to deal with anything you are dealing with when you ACCEPT what is. SO much of our pain comes from our resistance to what is. We are worried about our child, and don't think they should be struggling. We are mad that so and so passed away, they were too young. We are annoyed that our sister in law is acting like a brat and so childish. This are all resistance.   Resistance keeps you stuck. It won't go away if you acknowledge it, but a load will be lifted.  You will feel lighter.   You can just LET IT GO. HOW? Start to ask more empowering questions such as: Who do I want to be in this situation? Now what? So what? What can I do that is showing love for me and the others involved? What is within my control? No one has a perfect life, but the people you see that you think do have perfect lives take care of their minds.  They either go to therapy or get coaching or both....

Help through the Hard

I am excited to be a part of this event for the 2nd year on a row.  All these ladies are life coaches and we all have expressed our gratitude to have the coaching tools we have to get through the hard things. Each of us has our own challenges and struggles: a child with a disability, a child viewing pornography, death of a parent, death of a sibling, difficult spouse, moving, new schools, struggles with food and body, conflicts with in laws, AND SO MUCH MORE. We have come together to share some of our favorites that have helped us get through the hard things an want to share them with you too. You can get more information and register  HERE . Take care, Megan

ONE thing for closer relationships.

I just finished listening to a great book it's called Dangerous Love by Chad Ford (I don't love the title), but that's irrelevant.   One thing that stuck out to me is the concept of turning first.   Turn first to the person you are in conflict with. The way I interpreted it and have tried to implement in my life is  Be first to: apologize, be kind, smile, say I love you, see the other person as a person. Recently one of my kids woke up on the wrong side of the bed.  He was ornery.  He blamed me for so many things that were going wrong before school.  He said, "I'm going to make us late today."   I remembered this concept and didn't say anything.  I was thinking I'd like to tell him he's such a brat and to stop being so ornery, maybe go back to bed.  THIS WOULD NOT DO ANY GOOD.  I think this is the natural tendency BUT, it doesn't have to be. I stayed silent and thought what could be going on for him?     ...