CONFIDENCE the 4th C in not fighting with your kids

Confidence is the belief that one can rely on someone or something.  Firm trust.  Assurance about something.

How do you think your parenting and relationships would change if you felt more confident?

Would you be so worried about your son?

Would you checking your daughter's location as frequently?

Would you be stressed about the decision of sending your 4/5 YO to school or holding them back another year because they have a summer birthday?

If you felt more confident these things would feel easier.

You'd feel confident in your decision to send your child or keep them back, and you wouldn't question yourself after you've made the decision.

I want to teach you how to feel more confident in your decisions too. 

Confidence can be tricky because there isn't a tangible way to measure it.  

Here are a few questions to ask yourself to help you understand when you will know if you are more confident.

  1. What would I do if I felt more confident in my: parenting, relationship with spouse, and body?
  2. What's one thing I can do today to feel more confident?
  3. What does confidence feel like in my body?
  4. What do I like about me?
  5. What would I need to think to feel more confident?

Today I want to offer you a free resource it's called five simple septs to get your kids to do what you want.  It's a parenting audit to help YOU know what's most important to you as a parent CLICK HERE to get it.  

PLUS, Wednesday we are starting how to not fight with your kids the 4 parenting C'crets.  Are you coming?  CLICK HERE

By the end you will have knowledge and tools to know how to manage your emotions so you don't react.  You will know the practices, techniques etc. to not fight.  Imagine feeling frustrated, mad, and not saying things you regret or yelling.  AND when it does happen because it will we are all human and mess up you won't dwell on it so long, apologize quickly, forgive yourself, and move on.  

I'm excited to teach this.  I am not a perfect parent, no one is, but I feel so much better about myself and my kids from years of learning, application, coaching, trial and error.  



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