How to motivate teens

Do you know what doesn't motivate teens?

Threats - this might get you short term results with resentment.

Rewards/bribes - again short term.  No lasting change.

Consequences - more resentment.

I'm not saying you don't ever have consequences just use them sparingly and as often as possible have it be a natural consequence.

What does motivate teens?  

Helping them see who they are becoming.  Most teens are thinking about the here and now.  If you can help them visualize their future they will start to do things and make changes that will make their lives better.

Help them see that what they are doing is for THEIR benefit.

Ask them questions such as:

How do you think getting enough sleep effects you?  How do you feel when you don't get enough sleep?
What kind of food feels good in your body?
What can you do now to earn more $?
What kind of house do you want to have?  
How do you want people to remember you after high school?

Have them make their own appointments, schedules, figure out rides, dances, dates, and everything.  Their future selves will have to do this anyway so why not have them learn to do it now when you can help them?

There are so many ways you can help them to think about the future, and not in a worried or scared kind of way, but how awesome things can and will be.

The last thing I'll offer is praise.  Let them know when you notice them doing things that benefit them.  Point it out to them.  

Teens are awesome!

Take care,

I started a new FB group you can join HERE.  I know that the last thing you need is another FB group😂.  I started it for a space where I can teach, coach and share more helpful coaching tools for parenting and relationships.  I will be going live 1-2x a week to coach anyone who is on that wants coaching.  I will also be teaching mini classes on parenting, getting kids ready for kindergarten, better relationships with your teen, confidence, communication, connection, coaching, and more.  


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