This is SO good for you.

When my kids have a tantrum or any kind, one thing I think that makes it a little bit easier to stay calm is to think, "this is so good for you."

So often as parents we want to "fix" or "help" our child.  We don't want them to feel sad, disappointed, discouraged, frustrated, but guess what IT'S SO GOOD FOR THEM. 

If we allow them to feel whatever they are feeling this is teaching them, they can handle it.  It's teaching them, it's not a problem, it's teaching them, they don't need food, video games, or other buffers to numb it or get away from the feeling.

I know it's hard and we don't want them to feel sad their friends were being mean.  Frustrated because they can't master a skill.  Disappointed because they didn't make the team. 

When we just allow them to have their experience and believe them and not try to help or fix you'll be amazed how quickly they move through it and move on.  

πŸ‘‰πŸΌRecently one of my twins was telling me about someone that said, "you're so dumb."  "You're an idiot."  I stopped myself from chiming in and just listened.  He said, "I don't listen to him.  I sometimes think of myself as a mirror and the other person is just saying that into a mirror."  Then he walked out the back door to go play.  I was like wow, that's impressive he does that.  

✅Another experience is one of my kids was upset they didn't get what their brother got.  He was crying and whining, "it's not fair, he gets new things and I don't..."  This went on for a good 30 min. I kept telling myself this is good for him, it's ok, I don't need to fix this. 

I didn't shut him in his room.  I had him brush his teeth I got ready for bed.  Eventually he calmed down and said, "I apologize I was just feeling jealous."

THEN πŸ‘‰πŸΌ I was able to have a conversation with him about feeling jealous and discouraged, and that I feel that way too.  FEELINGS ARE OK!  They are a necessary part of being a human.


If you'd like to learn how to stay calm and talk to your kids about their feelings more naturally and easily I can teach you through 1:1 coaching.

I was not like this with my first kid.  I would put him in his room alone until he calmed down, but he needed some help calming down.  I used to feel so mad and think he's such a brat (when he was 3πŸ™„).  Guess who was the bratπŸ™‹‍♀️.  He was acting like a 3 YO and I was probably acting like a 13 YO.  

Through experience, training, coaching, etc. I know HOW to stay calm.  I know how to teach others to stay calm.  I know how to teach you to help your kids so there are fewer tantrums.
I do this through 1:1 coaching.  

I offer four week ($197) and six week ($275) coaching packages.  To see the power of coaching a few sessions is ideal.  

If you are interested but feeling unsure or nervous I get it, that's totally normal.  I didn't want to tell anyone I got coaching and was getting certified because I thought that meant something was wrong with me.  BUT, it actually is a sign of strength, I want to improve and make my relationships better.   There is strength in reaching out, there is strength when we are humble to say I want to improve who can help me? Your relationships with your kids will be better and those last forever.

Send me a text 435-760-2590, and we can chat.  

Have a lovely day,



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