Potty training doesn't have to be 😡...
Before I had kids I'd hear stories of it just being terrible. Parents yelling at their kids, accidents, and kids refusing to go. It made total sense to me why a kid would not go to the bathroom when they were being yelled at and it was a negative experience.
I remember vowing to not do it that way. Through my won experience and research here are a few tips I want to offer to you to help.
#1️⃣ WAIT
So often parents push potty training because they want it. I promise if you will wait until the child is ready it'll go SO much faster and smoother. Sure, introduce it and make it exciting, but if you do and your child doesn't respond well then WAIT.
I know this can be hard. I know there's a feeling of urgency and desperation that your child will be in diapers FOREVER (I promise they won't). This is where coaching coming in to help you with those feelings, stay calm, and be more patient.
Let your child be in charge. There are a few things that our kids have total control over: eating, going the bathroom, and sleeping. The more we try to control the less control we have. It's human nature to not want to do something just because someone told us to. The more we push the more they will push back.
The more we demand the less they want to comply and if they do it's short term and damaging to your relationship.
How can potty training strengthen your relationship with your child? I don't have the answer, you do! Take a few minutes and write this down and see what ideas you come up with.
I know this can be hard. It's SO frustrating when there's an accident or your child refuses (this is where coaching comes into play). I can help you with this. When we stay calm things go SO MUCH BETTER. You will feel better about yourself not feeling guilt, shame, or regret for yelling at them or saying something you wished you hadn't. They will feel better because they aren't being yelled at.
As much as you can make it a positive experience. Use rewards, play music, make it fun. But, when you feel frustrated, and you will, BREATH. Remind yourself this won't last forever.
If you can do these four things potty training will go so much faster and smoother.
Take care,
If you want more help I want to invite you to get coaching. You can get more details HERE
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