A different perspective on TALKING BACK.

Let's talk about talking back.  

I hear a lot of parents (especially teen parents) say one of the hardest things is their child talking back.  

I think that labeling it "talking back" is part of the problem!

FIRST- what does talking back even mean?  We have labeled it as bad, rude, disrespectful, and unacceptable.  I think we as parents are doing just as much talking back as our kids are.  They probably learned it from us.

Put yourself in your child's shoes.  How hard would it be to be trying to give your opinion and try to have a discussion with your parent and they automatically say, "don't talk back to me."🙄
It would be SO frustrating as the child to not even be able to say what's on your mind.  No wonder they role their eyes and walk away.  

Don't our kids have just as much a right to say what they think?  I'm not saying we let them talk to us however they want and we stand there and listen.  If someone is talking rude to me I will walk away.  

To be more effective as a parent and to have more impact try these few things.

-What if they aren't talking back, just offering their opinion?
-How could I have contributed to this?
-They are matching my energy so the more calm I am the more calm they will be.
-What if they are just venting?
-I can let them say what's on their mind, but remind them to talk calmly.  
-Sometimes I will tell my kids I'm not willing to listen, but if they want to write it down I'd be happy to read it when I'm calm.  

Try and eliminate the phrase talking back from. your vocabulary and see how that changes the interactions you have with your kids, especially your teens.  

What are you thoughts about this?  I'd love to hear.


PS I have two coaching spots open for July.  If you'd like more information click HERE.


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