You don't have to hate something to change it.

 "You don't have to hate something to change it."

I recently had this ah ha moment with my hair😂.

It's long right now and I've been wanting to cut it, but I have found myself telling people, "it's driving me crazy."  "It's so hot."  Then I thought why do I have to justify and hate it to cut it.  I can cut it just because I want to, and I want a change. 

I do like my hair, there are some days that it bugs me, but overall it's good.  

I know this is a silly example, but it's had me thinking about so many other things in our lives that we might want to change, but we don't have to justify it.

If you want to change: jobs, something in your house, yourself, weight, whatever you can just because you want to.

Dan Sullivan talks about wanting things just because you want them and you don't need to explain yourself here's a 2 min. video of him explaining it WATCH HERE.

How can this apply to parenting?  

You don't have to "hate" the way your sister in law does something to justify why you do it the way you do.

You can parent how you want just because you want to.  You don't have to justify it to anyone.  
You can put your kids in bed early or late, have them wake up early or late, eat meat or not, drink soda or not, just because that's how you like doing things.  There's no right or wrong way.

I would highly encourage you TO like something before you change it.  Because if I think I'll like myself more when I cut my hair I won't there will still be times I don't like my hair.  


It's my mission to help parents enjoy parenting more, and to stop worrying so much.  Know how to have a great relationship with your teens. 
When worry, stress, and judgement declines life is more enjoyable. 

It's tempting to wait until the kids are back in school or the conditions are just right, but that rarely, if ever, happens.  What's it costing you to wait?  What is delaying doing for you?

Consider that maybe it's easier than you think and some movement is better than none at all. 

👉🏼Consider that you are doing better than you think you are.
👉🏼There's more available in your relationships than you think.
👉🏼Stop waiting until the day they move out and start enjoying right now.

I'm here to help you.  

Let me help you making parenting a little easier.  Click HERE to learn more about 1:1 coaching.  


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