Connection over control

Recently I went live on my FB group @meganwhitesidescoaching about connection and control.

Here are a few things I said in the video.  If you'd like to watch it click the link above and speed it up to 1.5 or 2x speed and take what you want and leave what you don't.

Control -
The power to influence or direct people's behavior or the course of events. I like this definition because it says the power to influence.   I believe as parents we have a lot of influence with our kids.  But, we can’t control them.

Think about WHY you want to control the things you do.  We often want to control our kids or the environment because we don't want them to struggle, feel bad, and because of how we think it'll make us feel.  

The more I try to control my child the less control I actually have.

Control the controllable! Make a list of things that are within your control.

What can you let go of that you are currently trying so hard to control?

This will help you start to understand your reason why. Sometimes it can be easy to let go of and

other times it's really hard, that's what coaching is for, I can help.


in psychology, connection is the sense of belonging and relatedness that people experience

in their interactions with others. It's a core psychological need that's essential to feeling satisfied

with life, and it encompasses the emotional, cognitive, and social aspects of human connection.

Connection can play a significant role in shaping thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

Connection is a feeling. When have you felt connected to your child? What was going on around you? What were you doing?

If you start to notice when you are feeling connected you can make that happen more often.

-I feel connected to my kids when I take a minute to write about them each evening or when

I take a minute to write them a little note.

-I feel connected when we are laughing together (we can actually laugh a lot more when we allow ourselves

to be lighthearted and see them for who they are).

-I feel connected when I make the time to read to my kids.

When do you feel connected? The more you can feel connected to your child that will change your behavior, and you will create a great relationships with them, If you want more help with this I can help you through coaching. You can reply to this or you can email me and we can set up a time to chat for free. Take care,



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