It only takes 5 min. a day

One thing you can do that will change your life is to write for 5 min. a day.

Sometimes I think I don't have enough time to write, but when I think it's only for 5 min. my brain is on board and I set a timer and go.

What do I write about?  So many things.

Just last night I was feeling a little overwhelmed and urgent to get so many things done so I set a timer for 4.37😂 and I wrote all the things I think I should, want, and have to do.  Once I was done I went to bed.

Did this solve all my to do's, NO, but I sure felt SO much better and today.  I was able to look over that list and prioritize.

Here are a few common journal prompts that I write about.

What am I thinking right now?
What kind of mom do I want to be today?
What kind fo wife do I want to be?
What do I want and need?
What do I think about so and so (usually I'm writing about my thoughts about a specific child)?
What do I enjoy doing?
How can I make my life more fun and enjoyable?
How can I strengthen my relationships?

If you are struggling with one of your kids write about what you are thinking about them.  This will help you get to know yourself.

A word of caution don't hold yourself back let out all the good, bad and the ugly, a coach can help you do this.  You don't have to show this to anyone.  If you let it all come up you will feel a sense of relief.  We feel worse when we push down our thoughts and feelings and think I shouldn't think that.

When I work my my coach I write down everything I'm thinking or I talk and get help noticing which thoughts are making my life harder than it needs to be.  A coach helps us to understand that our thoughts create our feelings and results and how we can change them if we want.  Coaching helps empower me to feel more in control or my life and not at the effect of it.  Coaching has helped me to like myself more and be a mom I like, and like my kids more.

We try to store so much in our brains so getting it out is so beneficial.  

If you are struggling with: parenting, a relationship, food, weight, self doubt, etc. write about those things.

I want to invite you to try this for 14 days and see what changes you notice in your own life.

If you don't know where to start I can help.  You can get more information about coaching by clicking HERE

Have a wonderful day,



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